Guitar Studio Policies


Guitar Studio Policies

    It is our desire for our students to progress to their ultimate goal. Most of the learning process actually takes place during the lesson. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the lessons be taken at regular, weekly intervals. Your teacher has reserved the time of your lesson for you only. Please do not schedule any other activities at that time.
    Playing a musical instrument is a skill and an art, and requires a large investment of time, dedication, and patience. In order to achieve sufficient progress and enjoyment, a minimum daily practice time must be maintained. The amount of practice time will be recommended by the teacher, and agreed upon by the student and parents, and should be scheduled into the daily routine. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that he or she does a concentrated practice for the specified amount of time at least six days per week. Failure to practice can lead to a lack of progress, frustration, and loss of interest, and may be grounds for dismissal.
    It is very important to have a quiet space, free from distractions (ie. television, radio, telephone, siblings, friends, etc.) during practice time. Parents are requested to provide a quiet atmosphere in which to work.
    Young students need the support and positive encouragement of their parents if they are to learn and progress. This also includes making sure that students adhere to their established practice schedule. Parents of young children should observe the lesson each week and practice with the child at home each day. Parents of older students should observe the lesson at least once a month so that they can keep abreast of the student’s progress, and problems, if any. This parental involvement is welcomed and appreciated by the teacher, and needed by the student, especially the younger student.
    Monthly tuition is a Flat Rate (ask your instructor) and is due in advance one week before the beginning of each month. Payments may be made via Cash, Check, BTC (call monthly for current rate, address, and a 10% discount), Zelle, or PayPal (friends & family) which allows credit cards, debit cards, and ACH. Tuition payments received after the 5th of the month will incur a $30 late charge. Missed lessons are not credited toward the regularly scheduled lessons. However, if a student is to have an extended leave (due to vacations, etc.) and will be missing two or more consecutive lessons, those lessons missed may be credited if the teacher is notified before the first of the month. If you plan to terminate the lessons for one or more months, or permanently, please notify the studio two weeks before the first of that month, or you will be required to pay for that month’s tuition. If a check is returned from your bank, you will be required to pay any and all bank charges associated with the transaction. If this occurs on more than one occasion, you will be required to pay by cash from then on. There may be a rate increase once a year. 
    Make-up lessons are not guaranteed. If you cannot attend your regularly scheduled lesson for any reason (illness, weather, transportation problems, etc.) the student should notify the teacher right away and have their lesson via video call. If the student is ill, they are NOT to attend in person! If they are well enough to play the guitar, we will initiate the video call at the time of the lesson. If the student contacts the studio at least 48 hours in advance of that scheduled lesson, we will try to provide a make-up lesson if our schedule permits. If you miss your regularly scheduled lesson for any other reason, a no-show or last-minute cancellation, cannot be made up. Failure to practice is NOT a valid reason to cancel a lesson. The consistency of the lessons and what can be accomplished during the lesson is of great value and should not be overlooked. It is the students’/parents’ responsibility to request make-up lessons, not the teachers’. We’re thrilled to offer online lessons moving forward as it will enable more students to attend a lesson online when they have circumstances when they cannot make it to the studio in person. Online lessons are an amazing alternative and a highly effective way to have a lesson with us. Here is what the student should have ready for their online lesson:
    • Video calling software account ( [I must invite you to join this first] or
    • Broadband Internet
    • A laptop or tablet
    • A stool or table to hold the device next to you so I can see you and both your hands
    • And lesson materials.
    Students will be invited to play in recitals when they have demonstrated their readiness for performance. This is usually after a minimum of six months of study. Recitals will be announced well in advance. Recitals, festivals, state evaluations, and all other events have a fee. The fees and application deadlines will be announced and posted on the website well in advance.
    If any problems arise concerning your lessons, your practicing, the music, technical or emotional difficulties, or blocks, please do not hesitate to speak with your teacher about it right away. Problems, if ignored, can escalate, and create more and bigger problems. Thank you for adhering to all our studio policies as it enables us to be effective and prepared teachers for your students.