Notes From Glenn

The Guitar is My Friend

I love the guitar! You know what's really great about it? Well, one thing is you can take it with you just about anywhere you go. Granted, the airlines might give you a hard time if you try to carry one onboard. But for all else, it's easy and fun to bring with you. I like to take one of mine camping with me. It's kind of like an old friend. We sit around the campfire, sing songs together, share our music with friends, and frequently make some new ones because of it (some people might say they like my...

Now In South Orange County

Glenn Tinturin is now in South County where he is offering guitar lessons to a few interested students. Glenn, a world traveled performer, recording artist, and teacher will be providing his guitar instruction in a Rancho Santa Margarita studio. Although Glenn offers lessons and coaching to those of all levels, even beginners must show a true interest and desire to learn and work hard at it, and young students (10-15) must have the parental support and guidance to help build and enable the proper practice habits required for a successful foundation. Call or email me today.

A Special New Guitar Student

I don't normally write about getting a new student, as that's a regular event. But, when I get one who wants one-hour lessons three days per week, that's something special! This is a clear display of someone's dedication to learn and improve their talent, art, knowledge, and musicianship. I'm just as excited as they are. I wish more people, young and old, realized that the bulk of learning occurs at the lesson, just like the learning happens at school much more than with the homework. Don't get me wrong, practice and homework are important, too. But, what a joy to...

Guitar Styles – Classical or ???

This maybe should go under the FAQ section, but it mostly gets asked about guitar lessons. "If I want to play (fill in the blank) style, such as rock, what kind of lessons should I take?" Well, 90% of rock music uses three to four chords. If that's all you want to learn, then those chords can be learned in a day. But if you want to write your own music, invent your own rhythms, and learn to play the music of the masters of any style, then definitely learn to play classical. And, if you really want to rip...